The Architecture of Contemplation
Welcome, fellow architects.
In Conversation With: Kevin Kelly

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"Don't aim to be the best, aim to be the only."
Today I am speaking with Kevin Kelly. If one were to enter Kevin's name into the Google-o meter, much material would surface. He is known as founding executive editor of Wired Magazine, a technologist, a photographer, a writer, and, an optimist. The list runs on. But Kevin self-identifies as a 'packager of ideas'.
This conversation is a little different in that Kevin shares many gems from his upcoming book, Excellent Advice for Living, Wisdom I Wish I'd Known Earlier (launches May 2nd). Kevin provides some direct readings, which contain sonorous truths, interlaced with humour and a whisper of irreverence.
We also cover topics including: Kevin's early bias to making; choosing travel as a form of education over schooling; the lessons of history; being a good ancestor; the art, and science of packaging ideas; the concept of 'arriving at your place'. Intrigued? Then surely you are in for a treat should you be open to the call to self-actualisation, that this extremely deep concept intimates.
When it comes to rest, respite and contemplation, Kevin's excerpts from his book had me contemplating in real time, the lessons he has gleaned over an emerging lifetime. He also masterfully coins a symbiotic relationship between rest and work, which he refers to as rest ethic, and work ethic.
Each episode I find a work emerges from the conversation. Here, for Kevin, it is elegance. There is a certain poise, and coherence, in both Kevin's outlook, and self-expression. With elegance, the content of Kevin's words ease with grace into one's mind's eye, allowing a certain effortless interaction with ideas that are profound yes, but utterly actionable, too.
Without further ado I bring you Kevin Kelly.
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Produced by Annika Sost
Music freesound.org
Further Delving:
| The Future Will Be Shaped by Optimists, TED TALK
| Vanishing Asia by Kevin Kelly, BOOK
| Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton, BOOK
| Excellent Advice for Living by Kevin Kelly, launches May 2nd, PREORDER